Israel is NOT a religious state. There are Islamic states but Israel is
not religious. It is not a Halachic state but it does have religous
parties and religious Jews in it's government. The U.S. is not a Christian
state but most of it's citizens are Christian and most of it's
legislators are Christian. Why you can't understand this is because of
your bias not to. You are predisposed to your bigotry.
The founders of Israel were not religious. They were socialists and most
of them atheists.
> It is a homeland for Jews but Jews are a people. We can even show it
> with our DNA that we all have common convergences and can replicate the
> same genetic coding

That merely shows a convergence when antisemites try to claim Jews are
watered down beyond any connection they may have had. If there was no need
for an Israel there would not be an Israel but you and others like you
make the need essential. Ignorance and antisemitism have been the main
building blocks for the State of Israel. Genes secondarily corroborate the
connection to those who never left in spite of being expelled and murdered
off in Israel by Muhammad's followers.

I don't need a lesson on the human genome.


What bigotry are you referring to? If Israel is not a religious state then after WWII why not place a jewish state where the majority of jews already resided? In Europe. National borders were already being realigned so it would make sense. The place was chosen and the existing residence displaced because of religious reasons. The old man in the sky gave them this spot some time in the past. It is superstitious nonsence. If I had been alive at the time I would have pushed for a jewish state where the majority of jews already resided but I was not. I support the right of jews to live any place on the planet they wish and to do so free from any harrassment. I do not support their right to expropriate land from others because they "need" to live where an imaginary super being told them to.

John Thornton

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