I have a couple questions.  If the movie shows a Palestinian girl whose eyes 
were removed, and it's propaganda, what do you suppose happened to her eyes?

Of those people who are screaming "death to Israel" or that they want to drive 
the Jews into the sea, what do you think would cause them to say that?

If you think that any concessions should not be made by Israel because you're 
sure it will be seen as a sign of weakness, what do you think Israel should do 

Garth Cartledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
By way of illustration of what I have been saying about creating an atmosphere 
in which the Israelis and Palestinians can resolve their issues I was sent the 
following information in relation to an Iranian television programme. You could 
only get away with this poisonous filth in a country which has suppressed free 
speech or, in countries where there is free speech, with people who are so 
devoid of a capacity of critical thinking (whether through education, 
congenitally or unquestioning acceptance of narrow bigotted propaganda) that 
they accept it without questioning.

It is really a subtext of the idea that Jews/Israelis are outsiders - it 
dehumanizes them in the same way as talking about "Zionists" - a nice phrase 
which, like a mask, allows one to generalize and then direct ones hate at the 
generalised image without looking at the actual people you are seeking to kill 
- a copout because one does not have to address real issues.

And of course by making them outsiders, dehumanizing them, we start down the 
path to genocide - historial fact (Jews in Europe, Muslims in Yugoslavia, 
Armenians in 1916 Turkey, Kurds in Iraq). This kind of poison, when broadcast 
to people whose freedom of speech and access to independent information is, to 
say the least, severely limited, is likely to ensure that those people will 
continue to support people who wish to drive Jews into the sea or who scream 
"death to Israel".

It also flows from this is that if the Israelis do make any concession in a 
spirit of goodwill it will not be accepted as anything but weakness - and the 
Sharon plan to close the settlements is such a concession - possibly a step 
(small to the Palestinians but large to the Israelis because it down on their 
part) is a back on the way to righting some of the wrongs - but if it is not 
accepted in that light there are unlikely to be any other concessions. And any 
resolution of the problem is likely to take time and involve several steps, 
some large and some small.

But is not surprising that a country which disseminates the forged Protocols of 
the Elders of Zion would create such a pernicious programme. No civilized 
nation or people would broadcast this sort of thing or if they did it woudl be 
howled off the screens very quickly.

Garth Cartledge


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