On Thu, 23 Dec 2004, Jay S. Lee wrote:

> Sorry Sarah,
> But I don't think you're being fair to the facts.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stern_Gang

The Stern gang was not official. The Haganah was the state military.
Antisemites and anti-Zionists attempt to make the Stern gang more
important than what they were and they were put down by the Haganah.
More incidentally than any Arab state has ever done with groups outside
the official arena.

> You probably have heard of the 3rd Temple of Jerusalem that will be
> built once a perfect red heifer is born.
What of it? The religious in Israel are not as powerful as you you think,
not as powerful as the Christian right in America and those who believe
in a 3rd Temple are really a fringe group. They are hardly worth
mentioning unless you are trying to make something out of nothing.
Most Israelis just like most Jews outside Israel are not religious at all
even those who observe the Jewish calender and holidays because we're also
not Christian.

> http://www.templemount.org/heifer.html
> Arabs have holy places in Palestine too.  If you read the last paragraph
> in the article, you can see why "we didn't start the fire".

They came late, but so what. They also have "holy places" in Mecca,
Medina, Faluga and everwhere else. Everything is holy because it is a
creed which is religion based. You seldom see an unbelieving Muslim.
They're considered infidels and can be put to death anywhere in most Arab


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