There are extremists and abuses in all religions.

Some of the posts on this list demonise Islam and Muslims by taking
excesses as an example of the practise of all Muslims.

As far as I can tell after a short time on this list, anti-Muslim
stereotyping is being used for a propaganda purpose: defence of brutal
practices by the Israeli state and its military machine.

The mirror of the method of argument in this thread would go something
like: the Israeli army, which is overwhelmingly Jewish, bulldozes the
houses of innocent people, shoots down schoolgirls on their way to
school and protects fanatical thieves who steal the land of Palestinian
farmers, therefore Jews bulldoze innocent people's houses, shoot
schoolgirls and steal people's property. (For anyone who lacks a sense
of irony, this is not my opinion, but a mirror of the method used
against Muslims by some on this list.)

There are enough historical examples of religious and ethnic
stereotyping to understand where it leads.

I joined this list thinking it was a forum for left discussion. So far
it has been dominated by debate on the Middle East, which is fair
enough, but much of the material in this debate is racist.

There's no point debating hate propagandists. I'll be leaving this list
very soon.

Ed Lewis

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