I agree. This list could be something very worthwhile, but if all we're going 
to see is "Yea, Rah Israel," forget it. I can get that crap off of Faux News.


I'm losing my patience.
Another idiot response. You cannot reconcile with people who want to kill
you. That would seem to be basic for anyone to understand except those who
are detached and have their head stuck up their you know what. THINK ABOUT


On Mon, 27 Dec 2004, Sunnye Tiedemann wrote:

> I joined this list thinking it was a forum for left discussion. So far
> it has been dominated by debate on the Middle East, which is fair
> enough, but much of the material in this debate is racist.
> There's no point debating hate propagandists. I'll be leaving this list
> very soon.
> Ed Lewis>>
> It has seemed that way to me, too, Ed. I'm brand new to the list and have
> just been lurking and "listening."
> It's really not useful to argue these things with venom. They've been argued
> that way for years. What we need now is for everyone on both sides to give
> more than 100% in terms of patience and forgiveness. It's the only way
> progress can be made.
> As for women -- yes, oppression is terrible. But women have prove

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