At 07:13 AM 31/12/2004, Debra Walker wrote:

    I'm American and I agree with Garth.   The Bush
Administration's policies are aggressive, domineering,
and unimaginably arrogant.   At least 60 million of us
are opposed to this administration's actions.

================== FIGHT THE RIGHT! ==================

Sorry - did not make it clear that I am not blaming all Americans for Iraq. I would be surprised in anyone on this list supported that action. I have a number of US friends who oppose and some who support. But here in Australia our government took us into that war following Bush's war wagon despite the fact that 70% of Australians were against it. Accordingly, Australia as a nation is culpable as well

Garth Cartledge

" Despotism sits nowhere so secure as under the effigy and ensigns of
Freedom", From Imaginary Conversations of Greeks and Romans (1853) by
Walter Savage Landor 1775-1864

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