On 19/09/13 11:17, Luke Bakken wrote:
The "error: disconnected" message is a good clue. If you can provide
log files that may point to the cause.

See below for logs from riak and riak cs, for a roughly five minute window during which I'd fiddled with the load balancer and DNS to try and isolate this server from other requests, and only send mine to it.

Unfortunately I really don't see much in there apart from the disconnected messages. I did note that there were warnings about system hitting high watermarks for memory at one point though. That's a bit odd, as the machine wasn't near max capacity at any point - it's only 8GB, but 'free' was reporting that most was being used just for buffers and cache at the time; as follows:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       8176412    3803404    4373008          0      34112    3052340
-/+ buffers/cache:     716952    7459460
Swap:      3903484          0    3903484

======= erlang.log (riak cs) =========

===== Thu Sep 19 11:58:46 EST 2013
11:58:46.287 [info] alarm_handler: {set,{system_memory_high_watermark,[]}}^M
12:00:47.864 [info] webmachine_log_handler: closing log file: "/var/log/riak-cs/access.log"
12:00:47.865 [info] opening log file: "/var/log/riak-cs/access.log.2013_09_19_02"
12:00:50.081 [error] Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected^M 12:00:51.013 [error] Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected^M 12:00:51.406 [error] Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected^M 12:01:49.320 [error] Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected^M 12:02:04.662 [error] Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected^M 12:03:37.330 [error] Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected^M 12:06:24.345 [error] Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected^M 12:06:41.670 [error] Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected^M 12:06:46.554 [info] Finished garbage collection: 0 seconds, 0 batch_count, 0 batch_skips, 0 manif_count, 0 block_count^M
12:11:46.300 [info] alarm_handler: {clear,system_memory_high_watermark}^M
12:16:46.305 [info] alarm_handler: {set,{system_memory_high_watermark,[]}}^M
12:18:46.307 [info] alarm_handler: {clear,system_memory_high_watermark}^M

===== console.log (riak cs) ===================
2013-09-19 12:00:47.865 [info] <0.94.0> opening log file: "/var/log/riak-cs/access.log.2013_09_19_02"

2013-09-19 12:00:50.081 [error] <0.7092.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:00:51.013 [error] <0.10406.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:00:51.406 [error] <0.11179.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:01:49.320 [error] <0.11197.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:02:04.662 [error] <0.9667.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:03:37.330 [error] <0.11343.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:06:24.345 [error] <0.11589.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:06:41.670 [error] <0.11215.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:06:46.554 [info] <0.274.0>@riak_cs_gc_d:fetching_next_fileset:162 Finished garbage collection: 0 seconds, 0 batch_count, 0 batch_skips, 0 manif_count, 0 block_count 2013-09-19 12:11:46.300 [info] <0.41.0> alarm_handler: {clear,system_memory_high_watermark} 2013-09-19 12:16:46.305 [info] <0.41.0> alarm_handler: {set,{system_memory_high_watermark,[]}} 2013-09-19 12:18:46.307 [info] <0.41.0> alarm_handler: {clear,system_memory_high_watermark}

======= error.log (riak cs) ================
2013-09-19 12:00:50.081 [error] <0.7092.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:00:51.013 [error] <0.10406.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:00:51.406 [error] <0.11179.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:01:49.320 [error] <0.11197.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:02:04.662 [error] <0.9667.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:03:37.330 [error] <0.11343.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:06:24.345 [error] <0.11589.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected 2013-09-19 12:06:41.670 [error] <0.11215.0>@riak_cs_wm_common:maybe_create_user:223 Retrieval of user record for s3 failed. Reason: disconnected

========= erlang.log (riak) ==========
===== ALIVE Thu Sep 19 12:01:04 EST 2013

===== ALIVE Thu Sep 19 12:16:04 EST 2013

=========== console.log (riak) =========
2013-09-19 12:03:05.471 [info] <0.146.0>@riak_core_gossip:log_membership_changes:372 'riak@mel-storage04.strategicdata.internal' joined cluster with status 'joining' 2013-09-19 12:03:21.048 [info] <0.146.0>@riak_core_gossip:log_membership_changes:378 'riak@mel-storage04.strategicdata.internal' changed from 'joining' to 'valid' 2013-09-19 12:03:26.235 [info] <0.182.0>@riak_core_handoff_manager:handle_info:286 An outbound handoff of partition riak_kv_vnode 274031556999544297163190906134303066185487351808 was terminated for reason: {shutdown,max_concurrency}

^^ very similar messages to that repeat a few hundred times ^^


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