Hi Andrew,
Thanks for that -- so far things are looking stable after making that change.


On 19/09/13 13:27, Andrew Stone wrote:
Hi Toby,

Can you try raising the pb_backlog to 128 in your riak app.config on
each node. It's likely those disconnect errors are left over from the
stampede of connections from the CS connection pool on startup. For one
reason or another the resets don't come through and the hanging
disconnected socket isn't discovered until the next send attempt.


On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Toby Corkindale
<mailto:toby.corkind...@strategicdata.com.au>> wrote:

    On 19/09/13 11:17, Luke Bakken wrote:

        The "error: disconnected" message is a good clue. If you can provide
        log files that may point to the cause.

    See below for logs from riak and riak cs, for a roughly five minute
    window during which I'd fiddled with the load balancer and DNS to
    try and isolate this server from other requests, and only send mine
    to it.

    Unfortunately I really don't see much in there apart from the
    disconnected messages. I did note that there were warnings about
    system hitting high watermarks for memory at one point though.
    That's a bit odd, as the machine wasn't near max capacity at any
    point - it's only 8GB, but 'free' was reporting that most was being
    used just for buffers and cache at the time; as follows:

                  total       used       free     shared    buffers
    Mem:       8176412    3803404    4373008          0      34112
    -/+ buffers/cache:     716952    7459460
    Swap:      3903484          0    3903484

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