I queried Basho’s Client Services team.  They tell me the upgrade / coexist 
should be no problem.


> On Oct 29, 2015, at 1:38 PM, Vladyslav Zakhozhai 
> <v.zakhoz...@smartweb.com.ua> wrote:
> Matthew can you describe the bug more detail?
> My plan was to migrate to eleveldb and only then to migrate to Riak 2.0. It 
> seems that I need to change my plans to migrate to Riak 2.0 first. It is sad.
> Is it safe to migrate Riak 1.4.12/Riak CS 1.5.0 to Riak 2.0 on production 
> environment? According to official upgrade guides I can upgrade nodes one by 
> one in the same cluster. So Riak 2.0 and Riak 1.4.12 nodes can coexist in one 
> cluster. Am I right?
> Thank you.
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 7:04 PM Matthew Von-Maszewski <matth...@basho.com 
> <mailto:matth...@basho.com>> wrote:
> Sad to say your LOG files suggest the same bug as seen elsewhere and fixed by 
> recent changes in the leveldb code.
> The tougher issue is that the fixes are currently only available for our 2.0 
> product series.  A backport would be non-trivial due to the number of places 
> changed between 1.4 and 2.0 and the number of places the fix overlaps those 
> changes.  The corrected code is tagged “2.0.9” in eleveldb and leveldb.
> The only path readily available to you is to have your receiving cluster 
> upgraded to 2.0 Riak CS and manually build/patch eleveldb to the 2.0.9 
> version. Then start your handoffs.   (eleveldb version 2.0.9 is not present 
> in any shipping version of Riak … yet). 
> I will write again if I can think of an easier solution.  But nothing is 
> occurring to me or the team members I have queried.
> Matthew
>> On Oct 29, 2015, at 12:14 PM, Vladyslav Zakhozhai 
>> <v.zakhoz...@smartweb.com.ua <mailto:v.zakhoz...@smartweb.com.ua>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Matthew thank for you answer. eleveldb LOGs are attached.
>> Here is LOGs from 2 eleveldb nodes (eggeater was not restarted; what about 
>> rattlesnake I'm not sure).
>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 5:24 PM Matthew Von-Maszewski <matth...@basho.com 
>> <mailto:matth...@basho.com>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There was a known eleveldb bug with handoff receiving that could cause a 
>> timeout.  But it does not sound like bug fits your symptoms.  However, I am 
>> willing to verify my diagnosis.  I would need you to gather the LOG files 
>> from all vnodes on the RECEIVING side (or at least from the vnode that you 
>> are attempting and is failing).
>> I will check it for the symptoms of the known bug.
>> Note:  the LOG files reset on each restart of Riak.  So you must gather the 
>> LOG files right after the failure without restarting Riak.
>> Matthew
>>> On Oct 29, 2015, at 11:11 AM, Vladyslav Zakhozhai 
>>> <v.zakhoz...@smartweb.com.ua <mailto:v.zakhoz...@smartweb.com.ua>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I want to make small update. Jon your hint about problems on sender side is 
>>> correct. As I've already told there problems with available resources on 
>>> sender nodes. There are no enough available RAM which is a cause of 
>>> swapiness and load on disks. Restarting of sender nodes helps me (at least 
>>> temoprarily).
>>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 12:19 PM Vladyslav Zakhozhai 
>>> <v.zakhoz...@smartweb.com.ua <mailto:v.zakhoz...@smartweb.com.ua>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Average size of objects in Riak - 300 Kb. This objects are images. This 
>>> data updates very very rearly (there almost no updates).
>>> I have GC turned on and works:
>>> root@python:~# riak-cs-gc status
>>> There is no garbage collection in progress
>>>   The current garbage collection interval is: 900
>>>   The current garbage collection leeway time is: 86400
>>>   Last run started at: 20151029T100600Z
>>>   Next run scheduled for: 20151029T102100Z
>>> Network misconfigurations were not detected. The result of your script 
>>> shows correct info.
>>> But I see that almost all nodes with bitcask suffers from low free memory 
>>> and they swapped. I think that it can be an issue. But my question is, what 
>>> workaround is for this problem.
>>> I've wrote in my first post that I tuned handoff_timeout and 
>>> handoff_receive_timeout (now this vaules are 300000 and 600000). But 
>>> situation is the same.
>>> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 4:06 PM Jon Meredith <jmered...@basho.com 
>>> <mailto:jmered...@basho.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Handoff problems without obvious disk issues can be due to the database 
>>> containing large objects.  Do you frequently update objects in CS, and if 
>>> so have you had garbage collection running?
>>> The timeout is happening on the receiver side after not receiving any tcp 
>>> data for handoff_receive_timeout *milli*seconds.  I know you said you 
>>> increased it, but not how high.  I would bump that up to 300000 to give the 
>>> sender a chance to read larger objects off disk.
>>> To check if the sender is transmitting, on the source node you could run
>>>   redbug:start("riak_core_handoff_sender:visit_item", [{arity, 
>>> true},{print_file,"/tmp/visit_item.log"},{time, 3600000},{msgs, 1000000}]).
>>> That file should fill fairly fast with an entry for every object the sender 
>>> tries to transmit.
>>> There's a long shot it could be network misconfiguration. Run this from the 
>>> source node having problems 
>>> rpc:multicall(erlang, apply, [fun() -> TargetNode = node(), [_Name,Host] = 
>>> string:tokens(atom_to_list(TargetNode), "@"), {ok, Port} = 
>>> riak_core_gen_server:call({riak_core_handoff_listener, TargetNode}, 
>>> handoff_port), HandoffIP = riak_core_handoff_listener:get_handoff_ip(), 
>>> TNHandoffIP = case HandoffIP of error -> Host; {ok, ""} -> Host; 
>>> {ok, Other} -> Other end, {node(), HandoffIP, TNHandoffIP, 
>>> inet:gethostbyname(TNHandoffIP), Port} end, []]).
>>> and it will print out a a list of remote nodes and IP addresses (and 
>>> hopefully an empty list of failed nodes)
>>> {[{'dev1@ <mailto:dev1@>',          <---- node name
>>>   {ok,""},             <---- handoff ip address configured in 
>>> app.config
>>>   "",                <---- hostname passed to socket open
>>>   {ok,{hostent,"",[],inet,4,[{127,0,0,1}]}}, <--- DNS entry for 
>>> hostname
>>>   10019}],                    <---- handoff port
>>>  []} <--- empty list of errors
>>> Good luck, Jon.
>>> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 3:55 AM Vladyslav Zakhozhai 
>>> <v.zakhoz...@smartweb.com.ua <mailto:v.zakhoz...@smartweb.com.ua>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Jon thank you for the answer. During approval of my mail to this list I've 
>>> troubleshoot my issue more deep. And yes, your are right. Neither {error, 
>>> enotconn} nor max_concurrency is my problem.
>>> I'm going to migrate my cluster entierly to eleveldb only, i.e. I need to 
>>> refuse using bitcask. I have a talk with basho support and they said that 
>>> it is tricky to tune bitcask on servers with 32 GB RAM (and I guess that it 
>>> is not tricky, but it is impossible, because bitcask loads all keys in 
>>> memory regardless of free available RAM). With LevelDB I have opportunity 
>>> to tune using RAM on servers.
>>> So I have 15 nodes with multibackend (bitcask for data and leveldb for 
>>> metadata). 2 additional servers are without multibackend - only with 
>>> leveldb. Now I'm not sure do I need still use mutibackend with levedb-only 
>>> backend.
>>> And my problem is (as I mentioned earlier) the following. On leveldb-only 
>>> nodes I see handoffs timedout and no further progress.
>>> On multibackend hosts I have configuration:
>>> {riak_kv, [
>>>        {add_paths, ["/usr/lib/riak-cs/lib/riak_cs-1.5.0/ebin"]},
>>>        {storage_backend, riak_cs_kv_multi_backend},
>>>        {multi_backend_prefix_list, [{<<"0b:">>, be_blocks}]},
>>>        {multi_backend_default, be_default},
>>>        {multi_backend, [
>>>            {be_default, riak_kv_eleveldb_backend, [
>>>                {max_open_files, 50},
>>>                {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/leveldb"}
>>>            ]},
>>>            {be_blocks, riak_kv_bitcask_backend, [
>>>                {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/bitcask"}
>>>            ]}
>>>        ]},
>>> And for hosts with leveldb-only backend:
>>> {riak_kv, [
>>>             {storage_backend, riak_kv_eleveldb_backend},
>>> ...
>>> {eleveldb, [                                    
>>>             {data_root, "/var/lib/riak/leveldb"}
>>> (default values for leveldb)
>>> In leveldb logs I see nothing that could help me (no errors in logs).
>>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 3:57 PM Jon Meredith <jmered...@basho.com 
>>> <mailto:jmered...@basho.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I suspect your {error,enotconn} messages are unrelated - that's likely to 
>>> be caused by an HTTP client closing the connection while Riak looks up  
>>> some networking information about the requestor.
>>> The max_concurrency message you are seeing is related to the handoff 
>>> transfer limit - it should be labelled as informational. When a node has 
>>> data to handoff it starts the handoff sender process and if there are 
>>> either too many local handoff processes or too many on the remote side it 
>>> exits with max_concurrency.  You could increase with riak-admin 
>>> transfer-limit but that probably won't help if you're timing out.
>>> As you're using the multi-backend you're transferring data from bitcask and 
>>> leveldb.  The next place I would look is in the leveldb LOG files to see if 
>>> there are any leveldb vnodes that are having problems that's preventing 
>>> repair.
>>> Jon
>>> On Mon, Oct 26, 2015 at 7:15 AM Vladyslav Zakhozhai 
>>> <v.zakhoz...@smartweb.com.ua <mailto:v.zakhoz...@smartweb.com.ua>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have a problem with persistent timeouts during ownership handoffs. I've 
>>> tried to surf over Internet and current mail list but no success.
>>> I have Riak 1.4.12 cluster with 17 nodes. Almost all nodes use multibackend 
>>> with bitcask and eleveldb as storage backends (we need multiple backend for 
>>> Riak CS 1.5.0 integration).
>>> Now I'm working to migrate Riak cluster to eleveldb as primary and only 
>>> backend. For now I have 2 nodes with eleveldb backend in the same cluster.
>>> During ownership handoff process I permanently see errors of timed out 
>>> handoff receivers and sender.
>>> Here is partial output of riak-admin transfers:
>>> ...
>>> transfer type: ownership_transfer
>>> vnode type: riak_kv_vnode
>>> partition: 331121464707782692405522344912282871640797216768
>>> started: 2015-10-21 08:32:55 [46.66 min ago]
>>> last update: no updates seen
>>> total size: unknown
>>> objects transferred: unknown
>>>                            unknown                            
>>> riak@taipan.pleiad.uaprom <mailto:riak@taipan.pleiad.uaprom>  =======>  
>>> r...@eggeater.pleiad.uapr <mailto:r...@eggeater.pleiad.uapr>
>>>                                      om                       
>>>         |                                           |   0%    
>>>                            unknown                            
>>> transfer type: ownership_transfer
>>> vnode type: riak_kv_vnode
>>> partition: 336830455478606531929755488790080852186328203264
>>> started: 2015-10-21 08:32:54 [46.68 min ago]
>>> last update: no updates seen
>>> total size: unknown
>>> objects transferred: unknown
>>> ...
>>> Some of partition handoffs state never updates, some of them terminates 
>>> after partial handoff objects and never starts again.
>>> I see nothing in logs but following:
>>> On receiver side:
>>> 2015-10-21 11:33:55.131 [error] 
>>> <0.25390.1266>@riak_core_handoff_receiver:handle_info:105 Handoff receiver 
>>> for partition 331121464707782692405522344912282871640797216768 timed out 
>>> after processing 0 objects.
>>> On sender side:
>>> 2015-10-21 11:01:58.879 [error] <0.13177.1401> CRASH REPORT Process 
>>> <0.13177.1401> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: no function clause 
>>> matching webmachine_request:peer_from_peername({error,enotconn}, 
>>> {webmachine_request,{wm_reqstate,#Port<0.50978116>,[],undefined,undefined,undefined,{wm_reqdata,...},...}})
>>>  line 150
>>> 2015-10-21 11:32:50.055 [error] <0.207.0> Supervisor 
>>> riak_core_handoff_sender_sup had child riak_core_handoff_sender started 
>>> with {riak_core_handoff_sender,start_link,undefined} at <0.22312.1090> exit 
>>> with reason max_concurrency in context child_terminated
>>> {error, enotconn} - seems to be network issue. But I have no any problems 
>>> with network. All hosts resolve their neighbors correctly and /etc/hosts on 
>>> each node are correct.
>>> I've tried to increase handoff_timeout and handoff_receive_timeout. But no 
>>> success.
>>> Forcing handoff helped me but for short period of time:
>>> rpc:multicall([node() | nodes()], riak_core_vnode_manager, force_handoffs, 
>>> []).
>>> I see progress of handoffs (riak-admin transfers) but then I see handoff 
>>> timed out again.
>>> A week ago I've joined 4 nodes with bitcask. And there was no such problems.
>>> I'm confused a little bit and need to understand my next steps in 
>>> troubleshooting this issue.
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>> <eggeater-leveldb-logs-old.tar.gz><rattlesnake-leveldb-logs-old.tar.gz><rattlesnake-leveldb-logs.tar.gz><eggeater-leveldb-logs.tar.gz>

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