On 5 May 2016, at 14:42, Sanket Agrawal <sanket.agra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 9:28 AM, Russell Brown <russell.br...@me.com> wrote:
> CRDTs are all about mutation, why would you use a CRDT for immutable data? I 
> think write-once is what you need.
> No particular reason - most likely ignorance on my part, I think :) Basho 
> documentation mentioned modeling the data as CRDT if possible. That is the 
> open question for me - if the data is immutable, is write-once type with 
> key-value better than CRDT from general performance and scalability 
> perspective?

Yes. Write-once will perform better than CRDTs. You pay for the 
auto-merging-magic of CRDTs. If you don’t mutate the data you can’t get 
siblings, and don’t need CRDTs. I guess the docs need to be clearer about when 
to pick CRDTs.

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