riak_search has been removed from riak-2.2.5. Looks like some vestige survived. 

Can you tell me what command you ran, it looks to me from the output below that 
you’re connected to node and typing commands in the console?

Is this some snippet that you attach and run?



> On 1 Jun 2018, at 09:07, Guido Medina <gmed...@temetra.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We started the partitions repair a couple of weeks ago, so far so good (3 
> nodes out of 7 done), then we started getting this error:
>> (r...@node4.domain.com)3> [riak_search_vnode:repair(P) || P <- Partitions].
>> ** exception error: undefined function riak_search_vnode:repair/1
> The first two steps for the node repair executed fine:
>> {ok, Ring} = riak_core_ring_manager:get_my_ring().
>> Partitions = [P || {P, 'r...@node4.domain.com'} <- 
>> riak_core_ring:all_owners(Ring)].
> We are running on 2.2.5
> Guido.
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