On jeudi 8 Juillet 2004 17:19, Alan Hewat wrote:
> They are informed of the statements made by individuals on this mailing
> list, but feel that on-going commercial negotiations are not a subject for
> public debate. Senior CCDC management, including the people in charge of
> the negotiations, are absent at meetings, and no further statement will be
> made until after the ACA meeting (26th July).

   I of course agree with you that the service of such databases is extremely 
valuable, sorry if this was not clear. But I still hope that their statement 
can clarify (at least approximately - I understand how delicate it would be 
to produce an official, legally binding document) how far "derived work" are 
considered as still being licensed. This is interesting far beyond 
Endeavour's fate. All crystallographers use databases to derive work.

    So wait and see
Vincent Favre-Nicolin
Université Joseph Fourier
ObjCryst & Fox : http://objcryst.sourceforge.net

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