.... this wasn't for the list, just for Bob - sorry!

Clarification: The comments on MAUD are of course related to HIPPO data - it works great, the comment on slowness relates to the mentioned triclinic texture where it took several days more than GSAS to get to a completed refinement. The comment on the lack of automation also relates to more complex cases (multiple phases, low symmetry, combined structure and texture refinements occuring all together) - the wizard is fully functional for single phase and simple multi phase textures and works splendid.

Again, sorry for the post, have a nice weekend!


At 16:27 5/11/2007, you wrote:
Hi Bob,

I am not yet using the latest version (I am analyzing textures of a triclinic phase since a week, so there is always something running), but the bugs I believe I found are reasonably far away from the mainstream and your reported updates that they are probably still in the current version:

- when I do spherical harmonics analysis with two phases and I am in the harmonics menu (o o h), I have to issue "p 2" twice to get to the 2nd phase, the first time it just lists phase 1 coefficients again. Not a big deal, just my scripts needed some updating for two phase texture fits (which makes me think that that bug hasn't been there always). - when I use my vacuum measured Vanadium spectrum as I_inc (Type 10), RAWPLOT refuses to normalize. POWPLOT does it correctly, so the file is there, the IPARM file should be good etc. RAWPLOT just gives the non-normalized spectrum.

BTW: MAUD is getting useful now, just slow, not automatable etc. I seem to have a case where spherical harmonics in GSAS and MAUD give a significantly different answer than WIMV in MAUD, just FYI. Also FYI - HIPPO DAQ is moving to Linux, we'll see how that goes. One advantage is supposedly that we'll get save times of the order of a few seconds now. Frans has taken over a lot of the DAQ stuff.

have a nice weekend!


At 15:26 5/3/2007, you wrote:
Hi All,
New versions of GSAS for Windows and Fedora-5 have been placed on the CCP14 web server. The changes are as follows:
May 2, 2007
1. A new record in the .EXP file has been defined:
'HSTnn NFOBS' the number of observed reflections for each phase in a histogram. 2. REFLIST now can prepare a 'hkl' file suitable for the protein software CNS.
Apr. 14, 2007
1. Fix bug in reading 'ALT' style raw powder data. Other types read correctly.
2. Fix bug in output for .PVE files; the cell angles were missing.
3. Modify SeqGSAS so that it can process data sets in reverse and over limited sets of data. Some small changes to Seqplot. As usual let me know of bugs, "features", etc. you may find. The RedHat Enterprise & MacOSX versions will be made later.
Bob Von Dreele

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