Jon Wright said:
> a high background is a fine addition to any instrument; it
> gives a much lower profile R-factor. This tells us something about the
> value of the profile R factor, I think ;-)

A low resolution pattern is also easier to fit :-) The profile R-factor is
certainly not an absolute measure of a successful model, but provided the
model is physically reasonable and capable of fitting the data, the
calculated standard deviations are the best estimates of the possible
errors in its parameters i.e. neglecting systematic errors.

Even if you have a low profile R-factor (due to a high background and a
low resolution pattern) the calculated standard deviations in parameters
can still be large, which gives me confidence in Rietveld refinement :-)

Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> +33.476.98.41.68

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