Hi Matthew,

You would perhaps prefer physically meaningfull PO correction using standard functions, at disposal in Maud. If you can give me an ascii double column of your data I'll give it a trial.


Le 25/03/2014 11:43, Matthew Rowles a écrit :
Hi all

I have a sample containing a fraction of calcite. My research tells me that calcite cleaves on {10-11}.

How can I express this as an hkl for the March-Dollase PO correction?

By inspection, {104} is the direction that orients. Is that correct? How can I derive that?


Matthew Rowles


IUT-Caen Université de Caen Basse-Normandie and
6 Bd. M. Juin, 14050 Caen

The Crystallography Open Database: www.crystallography.net
The Materials Property Open Database: http://www.materialproperties.org/
Combined Analysis using rays: http://iste.co.uk/index.php?f=x&ACTION=View&id=359

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