Dear Nelson,

You can also often find structures of interest in the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure database ( Both of your phases are listed numerous times in this data base, and you can download cif files. The database is freely available.



On 9/5/2014 1:34 PM, Leopoldo Suescun wrote:
Prezado Nelson,

You can find CIF files for both alumina and crocoite phases at the Crystallography Open Database ( <>) looking for chemical elements.

An excellent set of educational material on Rietveld refinement using GSAS+EXPGUI at the APS-11BM site ( and additional resources at

If you don´t have experience with Rietveld analysis and no-one to ask for advice it may be a painful path to walk alone but there are many books that can be of help such as "The Rietveld Method" by RA Young or "Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials" by Pescharsky and Zavalij... but attending a Rietveld course (such as ICDD Clinics for example) may be of help to start.

Finally, but maybe of advanced level, be very careful when extracting weight percentages for both phases from your refinements, if you don´t have perfect control or knowledge of particle sizes for both phases, since the huge difference in absorption coefficients among them may make microabsorption an issue on your quantification work.

Best of luck

2014-09-05 13:43 GMT-03:00 Nelson < <>>:

    Dear rietvelds

    I have some samples, all with the same two phases: alumina and
    crocoite (PbCrO4) (electrochemical bath). I use Cobalt radiation.
    Indexing, I use always the same two ICDD files, 74-0323 for
    alumina and 73-1332 for crocoite. I use software High score plus.
    Can i use the semiquantification of software for know the
    quantification of each phase betwen the samples.

    Wuhere i can find the right cif files for this two phases, for
    introduce in High score plus and made Rietveld refinement.

    Where i can find a manual or exemples of how to make a rietveld
    refinement of this XRD.

    I don´t have experience of rietveld analysis.

    Thanks in advances

    Best regrds


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Dr. Leopoldo Suescun
Prof. Agr (Assoc. Prof.) de Física       Tel: (+598) 29290705/29249859
Cryssmat-Lab./DETEMA                             Fax: (+598) 29241906*
Facultad de Quimica, Universidad de la Republica
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 \__Montevideo, Uruguay

En pleno disfrute del Año Internacional de la Cristalografía 2014 ( ), (

David L. Bish
Department of Geological Sciences
Indiana University
1001 E. 10th St.
Bloomington, IN 47405

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