Dear rietvelds


I have some samples, all with the same two phases: alumina and crocoite
(PbCrO4) (electrochemical bath). I use Cobalt radiation. Indexing, I use
always the same two ICDD files, 74-0323 for alumina and 73-1332 for
crocoite. I use software High score plus. Can i use the semiquantification
of software for know the quantification of each phase betwen the samples.

Wuhere i can find the right cif files for this two phases, for introduce in
High score plus and made Rietveld refinement.

Where i can find a manual or exemples of how to make a rietveld refinement
of this XRD.

I donĀ“t have experience of rietveld analysis.


Thanks in advances 

Best regrds


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