> * I remember that a Fortran version was in tests there (in Rennes in
1975-76), probably one of these 27 copies distributed by Hugo Rietveld
himself to institutes all over the world.*

Rietveld worked with neutron powder diffraction on magnetic and heavy metal
oxides. An x-ray lab. in Rennes was probably not one of the selected 27
institutes all over the world. As Rietveld wrote in the paper you cited, "*The
response was slight, or, rather, non-existent*", and by 1975-76 he had
already left science. Probably, that's how legends begin.

On Thu, 16 Aug 2018 at 21:05, Le Bail Armel <le-bail.ar...@orange.fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> Sorry for that blank email...
> Since times are to old stories about the Rietveld method, I first
> heard about it in 1975-76 during my "3ème cycle" thesis in D. Grandjean
> laboratory, Rennes, France, under the direction of D. Louër. The thesis
> was about profile-shapes broadening due to powder small grain size.
> http://www.cristal.org/rapport/Le-Bail-These-3eme-Cycle.pdf
> I did not use the Rietveld method at that time but I remember that
> a Fortran version was in tests there, probably one of these 27 copies
> distributed by Hugo Rietveld himself to institutes all over the world.
> http://home.wxs.nl/~rietv025/Rietveld%20Method.docx
> My profile shapes were quite Lorentzian and there was considerable
> anisotropic broadening, something not yet accountable by the Rietveld
> method at that time focused on Gaussian peak shapes.
> I was not back about the Rietveld method before the XIII IUCr Congress,
> 1984, Hamburg, where I proposed a way to undertake such X-ray complex
> shapes: "The Rietveld method using an experimental profile convoluted
> by adjustable analytical function". This was the ARIT software later
> used in 1987 for intensities extraction purposes by iterating the
> Rietveld decomposition formula, leading to many SDPDs (Structure
> Determination by Powder Diffractometry).
> http://cristal.org/mespapiers-PDF/1984/1984-Rietveld-a31186.pdf
> http://www.cristal.org/arit.html
> Best,
> Armel
> PS- Better to write your own story clearly yourself before to leave the
> planet,
> even if nobody apparently read it.
> http://www.cristal.org/iniref/lbm-story/
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*   Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE *
<alan.he...@neutronoptics.com> +33.476.98.41.68
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