*> As I get older, I believe less and less in legends  (AH)*
*> ...the aristocracy of powder diffractionists is displaced (AleB)*

I don't believe in aristocracy either :-) After Bill David, Lambert van
Eijck and I published Hugo Rietveld's glowing obituary
<https://journals.iucr.org/j/issues/2016/04/00/es0421/>, I received a rough
draft of the vL&S paper
<http://journals.iucr.org/a/issues/2018/02/00/ib5058/>, and was frankly
shocked. But after finding that others shared those views, I suggested a
re-write of the paper to make it (perhaps) less controversial and more
historical, supported where possible with evidence from the literature.
Still, the paper seemed to address questions I myself had about the legend.

1) How could a young man, educated as a classical crystallographer (Bragg
peaks, structure factors, Fourier transforms...) produce the revolutionary
idea of simply refining the structure to fit the observed profile ? None of
the professional crystallographers I knew accepted that idea - only
physicists and chemists who used crystallography as a tool. It was a naive
physicist's approach.

2) How could Rietveld (1967) in his first paper not emphasise this
revolutionary departure from classical crystallographic techniques ? It was
almost as if he didn't consider that refining  magnetic moments and atom
displacements was real crystallography, just a refinement problem where
compromises had to be made to get a required result with an inadequate

3) Why did Rietveld leave science in 1974 if he thought that he had
achieved something remarkable ? He had a permanent job at a well funded
laboratory and a technique that would eventually revolutionise powder
diffraction. Ordinary people like me couldn't even get a job at Cambridge
(thanks Mike :-) and had to live with a succession of 3 year contracts in
foreign countries.

When I first knew Hugo, he was a modest, unassuming man, unlike Loopstra
who apparently pushed hard. When he saw that "*The response was slight, or,
rather, non-existent*" perhaps like other crystallographers for 20 years he
himself doubted the value of profile refinement.

And no I don't think the crystallographic establishment should get to name
it. Everyone knows what "profile refinement" means.

On Sat, 18 Aug 2018 at 11:29, Le Bail Armel <le-bail.ar...@orange.fr> wrote:

> Hi,
> >As I get older, I believe less and less in legends. In the IUCr 1999
> issue that I cited, I should have also mentioned that there is an
> interesting article on p.4 called "*The Powder Diffraction Handicap
> <http://ww1.iucr.org/news/v7n4/7-4.pdf>*" by Armel le Bail :-)
> Indeed, "never say never" is verified again. The powder diffraction
> handicap (overlapping) can be considered as suppressed by XFEL
> https://www.xfel.eu/ where each single microcrystal of the powder
> produces 3D diffraction data, and all data are recombined !
> But for solving too simple problems, you will not have access to that
> overloaded machine and will have to continue to use your laboratory powder
> diffractometer and (now) classical approaches.
> So, once again, the aristocracy of powder diffractionists is displaced,
> this time from third generation synchrotron to XFEL, amusing, new legends
> will be built, probably.
> Best,
> Armel
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*   Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE *
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