I am an interested reader of this thread, but have no direct knowledge of any 
of the history.  I will add, however, a small point about Alan’s last note 
suggesting we could go back to calling the process “Profile Refinement” and 
dodge the personal attribution. 

My point is that naming things after people may over simplify attribution, but 
it also does a larger service by emphasizing that science is a process done by 
people.  Science is not, as some uninitiated believe, simply a cold statement 
or revelation of facts.  People *do* science while simultaneously *guiding* or 
even inventing the science.  They define what become interesting problems while 
human curiosity and interests provide the driving force in the direction of 
scientific work. 

Naming things is an important part of how humans think about things and 
associating ideas or techniques with a scientist or group is an accurate way of 
representing how the process of science works. It is a human process and I’d 
rather not expunge that even though the attribution can rarely capture the full 
scope of the history.

That’s my two-cents as we say here in the US.


David Elbert
Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute
Malone Hall
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N. Charles St
Baltimore, MD 21218

(410) 516-5049


> On Aug 17, 2018, at 5:30 AM, Alan Hewat <alan.he...@neutronoptics.com> wrote:
> >  ...your responsibility in establishing and approving the legend is quite 
> > high
> >  Then times to destroy the legend come, and you want to be a part of it 
> > too, apparently.
> As I get older, I believe less and less in legends. In the IUCr 1999 issue 
> that I cited, I should have also mentioned that there is an interesting 
> article on p.4 called "The Powder Diffraction Handicap 
> <http://ww1.iucr.org/news/v7n4/7-4.pdf>" by Armel le Bail :-)
> I personally think we should use Rietveld's original term "Profile 
> Refinement", which I already used in my Harwell report 
> 1973_The_Rietveld_Program_for_the_Profile_Refinement_of_ 
> Neutron_Diffraction_Powder_Patterns_AERE_R7350-von_Dreele_annotations.pdf 
> <http://hewat.net/science/papers/1973_The_Rietveld_Program_for_the_Profile_Refinement_of_%20Neutron_Diffraction_Powder_Patterns_AERE_R7350-von_Dreele_annotations.pdf>
> On Fri, 17 Aug 2018 at 10:31, Le Bail Armel <le-bail.ar...@orange.fr 
> <mailto:le-bail.ar...@orange.fr>> wrote:
> >Probably, that's how legends begin.
> Your presence on so many pictures together with Hugo Rietveld, suggests that 
> your responsibility in establishing and approving the legend is quite high, 
> between 30 and 60% maybe, but I recognize that Rwp is poorly satisfying for 
> this fit.
> http://home.wxs.nl/~rietv025/crystallografen-s.jpg 
> <http://home.wxs.nl/~rietv025/crystallografen-s.jpg>
> Then times to destroy the legend come, and you want to be a part of it too, 
> apparently.
> Should we rename the Rietveld decomposition formula (equation 7 in his 1969 
> paper) the Loopstra decomposition formula ? I am lost.
> Best,
> Armel
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> ______________________________________________
>    Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE 
> <alan.he...@neutronoptics.com> +33.476.98.41.68
>         http://www.NeutronOptics.com/hewat 
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