To all:

Initially I sent this to Alan who suggested I open discussion to the entire 
community.  I've posted similar in past years and have been FLAMED.  Please 
keep it civil.  ;-)
As a long time practitioner of powder XRD (since 1972) I was there when the 
superconductor craze hit in the mid-1980s.  At that time it was recognized the 
Rietveld Method was useful only for REFINING structures which were generally 
accepted from single crystal x-ray analysis.

The link says the method "[allows] an accurate 
determination of the structure."  I take that statement to mean no model is 
required; Rietveld Analysis can determine structure without preconceived model.

Thanks for reading.

Blessings from toasty and warm St. Louis, MO.

Frank May
Research Investigator
University of Missouri-St. Louis

formerly at Monsanto Company (which recently became part of BAYER)
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