It all depends on the definition. If/when we agree on the definition, there
is usually no points for further arguing.
Anyway we could call Relieved method a structure determination from powder
data as long as it does not included solving structure (or as David
elegantly put - true structural solution).
Peter Y. Zavalij
Director - X-ray Crystallographic Center
University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 20742

On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 12:38 PM David Elbert <> wrote:

> Absolutely important that people understand that the Rietveld method is
> structure refinement and not solution, but as Larry points out sometimes
> you can get a more out of it if you’re clever… and have no other choice!
> Here’s a second example:
> Stubbs et al., 2010, Uranyl phosphate sheet reconstruction during
> dehydration of metatorbernite [Cu(UO2)2(PO4)2·8H2O], American
> Mineralogist 95 (8-9): 1132-1140 which is a bit of a brute-force approach
> to implying structures of some uranyl phosphates in a synchrotron heating
> experiment.  Joanne Stubbs sorted through known structures of related
> materials and used observed trends in refinements to select similar
> structures to further investigate.  Able to then postulate reasonable
> structures which then refined to the observed data and provided insight
> into this interesting group of materials.
> Not the standard way to employment of Rietveld Refinement and certainly
> not true structural solutions, but a smart, useful, and rather satisfying
> application nonetheless.
> Best-
> David
> David Elbert
> Hopkins Extreme Materials Institute
> Malone Hall
> Johns Hopkins University
> 3400 N. Charles St
> Baltimore, MD 21218
> (410) 516-5049
> On Aug 29, 2018, at 12:09 PM, Larry Finger <>
> wrote:
> On 08/29/2018 04:15 AM, Le Bail Armel wrote:
> Hi,
> After the IUCr Monograph on Crystallography 13 (2002)
> entitled "Stucture Determination from Powder Diffraction Data"
> you may find in the preface :
> "Although the Rietveld method of structure refinement from powder
> diffraction data is often loosely considered to be synonymous with
> structure
> determination, it is not. The Rietveld method only comes into play in the
> final stage of the structure solution process when an approximate
> structural
> model has been found."
> WIF David, K Shankland, LB McCusker, C Baerlocher
> A clear distinction having my complete agreement.
> Armel
> Armel,
> Although the above statement may be generally true, I can provide a
> counter example. In Max W. Schmidt, Larry W. Finger, Ross J. Angel, and
> Robert E. Dinnabier, "Synthesis, crystal structure, and phase relations of
> AlSiO2OH, a high pressure hydrous phase", American Mineralogist, V. 83,
> 881-888, 1998, we only had a powder - no single crystals. From data
> measured at ESRF, we used GSAS to isolate the peaks of interest for the
> unknown phase, and used program TREOR to autoindex the unknown and identify
> the impurity phases. We then extracted intensities using the LeBail method,
> and determined the structure using direct methods with program SIRPOW. The
> structure was then refined with GSAS. We were even able to locate the H
> atom from Fourier maps!
> Even 20 years ago, it was possible to determine the structure from X-ray
> powder patterns.
> Larry
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