Dear Armel,

Thanks for this nice quiz!

However, after identifying the following spectral impurities:
 Cu K_beta,
 W L_alpha1,2
 W L_beta1,2,3,4 and
 W L_gamma1,
I am stuck now, leaving bout 1/2 to 1/3 of the tiny extra peaks unexplained.

Some of them look suspiciously like Cu K_alpha1+2 doublets and might thus belong to an impurity phase, or differently oriented crystallites of the main phase, which could lie as dust on the single crystal surface, but I had no luck trying to identify them.

Furthermore, the irregular high angle tailing of the 00l series (maybe stacking faults?) makes peak fitting difficult.

Thus, I give up (at least for now), hoping that you might disclose the solution to the riddle, as far as it is known, for us after a while.

Best wishes,

On 06.09.2023 10:47, Le Bail Armel wrote:

In the same subject.

A special "powder pattern" to play with (try to explain all peaks) : <>



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