Dear Luca,
sorry, I don't understand the "mosaic crystal" eplanation, especially not the "non-centre position" issue. IMHO, when the pattern was measured at a "powder" Bragg-Brentano configuration, in reflection mode, axial and equatorial divergence maximum ~ 2 degree, the 00l series of all misoriented crystal blocks can fulfill the diffraction condition only within the range of the instruments divergence, and the parafocusing arrangement would reflect such blocks back very close to the nominal angular position (as it is the case for a powder as well). So single crystal reflection of big blocks should only be observable within the total profile of a "normal" ideal powder peak (the "instrumental" profile"). This is indeed what we see if coarsely crystalline materials (e.g. quartz sand) are measured on a typical powder diffractometer: Such peaks are extremely sharp, sometimes split or doubled, sometimes with "wrong" alpha1/2 intensity ratio, or may have small additional maxima and may be "edges" in their slopes, depending on the number or size of crystals, but all these effects are very close to the correct maximum position (+- <1 degree). So I can't imagine that the unknown satellites in the mica pattern are "misoriented-displaced" Cu Kalpha 00l peaks?

Armel, what type of detector was used for this measurement? If the W L series was detected, probably no diffracted beam monochromator, and no Peltier cooled Si drift detector? If so, even more spectral contamination may come into account. For example, I remember to have complained about a new Co tube (no company names here) showing systematic satellites ~ 1 % intensity from standard Si and LaB6 powder measurements. The wavelength recalculated by Bragg's law was Zn Kalpha (!!!), confirmed by spectral analysis, the tube Co target was obviously contaminated. As the satellites in your example in the < 0.x % magnitude of the Cu K alpha1 intensity, even quite low contamination of other elements than W may be the source. So it could be interesting to calculate wavelengths from all positions of the unknown satellites for the d-spacings of the mica 00l series and see if any calculated wavelengths do repeat.

Another thought:
Here we have a single crystal of muscovite. As some of the unexplained peaks appear to be extremely sharp, what about Renninger (multiple diffraction) hkl peaks? Maybe there are enough lattice planes in the monoclinic mica structure to give a chance for multiple diffraction to get registered by a divergent beam (Bragg-Brentano) configuration? Such peak positions appear to be unsystematic, with no relatiion to the Cu Kalpha 00l.

However, a take-home message of your example should be: Do never measure single crystals in parafocusing geometry without safely monochromatic radiation ;-)

Best regards


Zitat von Luca Lutterotti <>:

It is call graininess, as Miguel said before, these are mosaic single crystals and depending on your source (divergence, spot dimension at different angles etc.) you get each mosaic crystal to create a diffraction peak that especially at low two-theta angle may be displaced a lot from its theoretical position because it is diffracting from a non center position. This is what you get also when you analyse samples with extremely large grains. If you use a 2D detector instead of scanning with a point or small psd, you will see all these individual grain or mosaic crystals diffracting around their ideal spot or if it is a sample with just large grains, distributed around the Laue circle. More the grain is on a lateral position respect to the center of the beam, more it is displaced in two-theta. At higher angle your beam size on the sample is smaller and there is less displacement for geometrical reasons. I like to work with 2D detectors (texture, stresses) because it is easy to see these “figures”. In addition you have the spectral impurities identified by Frank and you may get some small grains with different orientation and twins that will create some of the non 00l peaks. Analysing these kind of patterns would require a sophisticated simulation of the grains-crystals distribution and computing like ray-tracing for the geometrical effects. Not worth it. Single crystals and sharp textures requires a point beam to avoid these effects. And a monochromatic one.

Best regards,



Luca Lutterotti
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Università di Trento
via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
tel. +39 0461 2824-14 (Office), -34 (X-Ray lab)

Maud: <http://maud.radiographema/>

On 6 Sep 2023, at 17:43, Le Bail Armel <> wrote:

Dear Frank,

Same as you. I have not a complete solution.



envoyé : 6 septembre 2023 à 16:57
de : Frank Girgsdies < <>> à : Le Bail Armel < <>>
Cc: Rietveld_L < <>>
objet : Re: Step-like basline

Dear Armel,

Thanks for this nice quiz!

However, after identifying the following spectral impurities:
Cu K_beta,
W L_alpha1,2
W L_beta1,2,3,4 and
W L_gamma1,
I am stuck now, leaving bout 1/2 to 1/3 of the tiny extra peaks

Some of them look suspiciously like Cu K_alpha1+2 doublets and might
thus belong to an impurity phase, or differently oriented crystallites
of the main phase, which could lie as dust on the single crystal
surface, but I had no luck trying to identify them.

Furthermore, the irregular high angle tailing of the 00l series (maybe
stacking faults?) makes peak fitting difficult.

Thus, I give up (at least for now), hoping that you might disclose the
solution to the riddle, as far as it is known, for us after a while.

Best wishes,

On 06.09.2023 10:47, Le Bail Armel wrote:


In the same subject.

A special "powder pattern" to play with (try to explain all peaks) : <>



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