Bad quality mono is always possible. I've got kb coming through with a
current instrument.

On Thu, 7 Sep 2023, 18:56 Reinhard Kleeberg, <> wrote:

> Hm, as Philips systems at this time always had combined a
> scintillation counter with a diffracted beam graphite 002 bent
> monochromator, the question arises how the W L series and Cu Kbeta
> lines could reach the detector... Bad quality of the graphite mosaic
> crystal?
> Reinhard
> Zitat von Le Bail Armel <>:
> > The muscovite data is dated 1996 from an old Philips 1710 diffractometer,
> >
> > vertical sample holder, scintillation counter, not much used because we
> >
> > had better instruments, hence this stupid test ;-)
> >
> > Armel
> >
> >> envoyé : 7 septembre 2023 à 10:57
> >> de : Reinhard Kleeberg <>
> >> à :
> >> objet : Re: Step-like basline
> >>
> >> Dear Luca,
> >> sorry, I don't understand the "mosaic crystal" eplanation, especially
> >> not the "non-centre position" issue. IMHO, when the pattern was
> >> measured at a "powder" Bragg-Brentano configuration, in reflection
> >> mode, axial and equatorial divergence maximum ~ 2 degree, the 00l
> >> series of all misoriented crystal blocks can fulfill the diffraction
> >> condition only within the range of the instruments divergence, and the
> >> parafocusing arrangement would reflect such blocks back very close to
> >> the nominal angular position (as it is the case for a powder as well).
> >> So single crystal reflection of big blocks should only be observable
> >> within the total profile of a "normal" ideal powder peak (the
> >> "instrumental" profile"). This is indeed what we see if coarsely
> >> crystalline materials (e.g. quartz sand) are measured on a typical
> >> powder diffractometer: Such peaks are extremely sharp, sometimes split
> >> or doubled, sometimes with "wrong" alpha1/2 intensity ratio, or may
> >> have small additional maxima and may be "edges" in their slopes,
> >> depending on the number or size of crystals, but all these effects are
> >> very close to the correct maximum position (+- <1 degree). So I can't
> >> imagine that the unknown satellites in the mica pattern are
> >> "misoriented-displaced" Cu Kalpha 00l peaks?
> >>
> >> Armel, what type of detector was used for this measurement? If the W L
> >> series was detected, probably no diffracted beam monochromator, and no
> >> Peltier cooled Si drift detector? If so, even more spectral
> >> contamination may come into account. For example, I remember to have
> >> complained about a new Co tube (no company names here) showing
> >> systematic satellites ~ 1 % intensity from standard Si and LaB6 powder
> >> measurements. The wavelength recalculated by Bragg's law was Zn Kalpha
> >> (!!!), confirmed by spectral analysis, the tube Co target was
> >> obviously contaminated. As the satellites in your example in the < 0.x
> >> % magnitude of the Cu K alpha1 intensity, even quite low contamination
> >> of other elements than W may be the source. So it could be
> >> interesting to calculate wavelengths from all positions of the unknown
> >> satellites for the d-spacings of the mica 00l series and see if any
> >> calculated wavelengths do repeat.
> >>
> >> Another thought:
> >> Here we have a single crystal of muscovite. As some of the unexplained
> >> peaks appear to be extremely sharp, what about Renninger (multiple
> >> diffraction) hkl peaks? Maybe there are enough lattice planes in the
> >> monoclinic mica structure to give a chance for multiple diffraction to
> >> get registered by a divergent beam (Bragg-Brentano) configuration?
> >> Such peak positions appear to be unsystematic, with no relatiion to
> >> the Cu Kalpha 00l.
> >>
> >> However, a take-home message of your example should be: Do never
> >> measure single crystals in parafocusing geometry without safely
> >> monochromatic radiation ;-)
> >>
> >> Best regards
> >>
> >> Reinhard
> >>
> >> Zitat von Luca Lutterotti <>:
> >>
> >>> It is call graininess, as Miguel said before, these are mosaic
> >>> single crystals and depending on your source (divergence, spot
> >>> dimension at different angles etc.) you get each mosaic crystal to
> >>> create a diffraction peak that especially at low two-theta angle may
> >>> be displaced a lot from its theoretical position because it is
> >>> diffracting from a non center position. This is what you get also
> >>> when you analyse samples with extremely large grains. If you use a
> >>> 2D detector instead of scanning with a point or small psd, you will
> >>> see all these individual grain or mosaic crystals diffracting around
> >>> their ideal spot or if it is a sample with just large grains,
> >>> distributed around the Laue circle. More the grain is on a lateral
> >>> position respect to the center of the beam, more it is displaced in
> >>> two-theta. At higher angle your beam size on the sample is smaller
> >>> and there is less displacement for geometrical reasons.
> >>> I like to work with 2D detectors (texture, stresses) because it is
> >>> easy to see these “figures”.
> >>> In addition you have the spectral impurities identified by Frank and
> >>> you may get some small grains with different orientation and twins
> >>> that will create some of the non 00l peaks.
> >>> Analysing these kind of patterns would require a sophisticated
> >>> simulation of the grains-crystals distribution and computing like
> >>> ray-tracing for the geometrical effects. Not worth it. Single
> >>> crystals and sharp textures requires a point beam to avoid these
> >>> effects. And a monochromatic one.
> >>>
> >>> Best regards,
> >>>
> >>> Luca
> >>>
> >>> <>
> >>>
> >>> Luca Lutterotti
> >>> Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
> >>> Università di Trento
> >>> via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
> >>> tel. +39 0461 2824-14 (Office), -34 (X-Ray lab)
> >>>
> >>> 
> >>>
> >>> Maud: <http://maud.radiographema/>
> >>
> >>>> On 6 Sep 2023, at 17:43, Le Bail Armel <>
> >>>> wrote:>>
> >>>> Dear Frank,
> >>>>
> >>>> Same as you. I have not a complete solution.
> >>>>
> >>>> Best
> >>>>
> >>>> Armel
> >>>>
> >>>>> envoyé : 6 septembre 2023 à 16:57
> >>>>> de : Frank Girgsdies <
> >>>>> <>>
> >>>>> à : Le Bail Armel <
> >>>>> <>>
> >>>>> Cc: Rietveld_L < <>>
> >>>>> objet : Re: Step-like basline
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Dear Armel,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks for this nice quiz!
> >>>>>
> >>>>> However, after identifying the following spectral impurities:
> >>>>> Cu K_beta,
> >>>>> W L_alpha1,2
> >>>>> W L_beta1,2,3,4 and
> >>>>> W L_gamma1,
> >>>>> I am stuck now, leaving bout 1/2 to 1/3 of the tiny extra peaks
> >>>>> unexplained.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Some of them look suspiciously like Cu K_alpha1+2 doublets and might
> >>>>> thus belong to an impurity phase, or differently oriented
> crystallites
> >>>>> of the main phase, which could lie as dust on the single crystal
> >>>>> surface, but I had no luck trying to identify them.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Furthermore, the irregular high angle tailing of the 00l series
> (maybe
> >>>>> stacking faults?) makes peak fitting difficult.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thus, I give up (at least for now), hoping that you might disclose
> the
> >>>>> solution to the riddle, as far as it is known, for us after a while.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Best wishes,
> >>>>> Frank
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On 06.09.2023 10:47, Le Bail Armel wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> In the same subject.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> A special "powder pattern" to play with (try to explain all peaks) :
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> <>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Best
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Armel
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
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> >>
> >> --
> >> TU Bergakademie Freiberg
> >> Dr. R. Kleeberg
> >> Mineralogisches Labor
> >> Brennhausgasse 14
> >> D-09596 Freiberg
> >>
> >> Tel. ++49 (0) 3731-39-3244
> >> Fax. ++49 (0) 3731-39-3129
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> --
> TU Bergakademie Freiberg
> Dr. R. Kleeberg
> Mineralogisches Labor
> Brennhausgasse 14
> D-09596 Freiberg
> Tel. ++49 (0) 3731-39-3244
> Fax. ++49 (0) 3731-39-3129
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