I sympathise with Luca. There is no generally accepted name for this kind
of profile refinement, as there is for Pawley or Le Bail refinement, terms
that are well understood. I would simply call it *Profile Refinement*, as
Rietveld did, specifying *Quantitative Phase Analysis* where that is
appropriate. It's true that you can refine the atomic coordinates for the
different phases (to reduce the R-factor :-) but it would be better
"conduct" to fix atomic coordinates as determined from well prepared
mono-phase samples, refining only particle size, preferred orientation etc
for each phase. So "Rietveld Refinement" would be restricted to cases where
the atomic coordinates were refined to fit the profile. I don't think this
was the case here.

On Sat, 13 Jan 2024 at 09:39, Luca Lutterotti <luca.luttero...@unitn.it>

> You are both true in a certain sense. It is true that this is not the core
> of the Rietveld refinement per se, but we don’t have an “official” term to
> call a refinement of a powder pattern using crystallographic parameters.
> Hence I tried to call it Rietveld-like or extended Rietveld.
> The alternatives are full pattern fitting, but this is usually referring
> to an unconstrained refinement, Pawley like. In XRF they use the term
> Fundamental Parameters approach, but I am afraid in diffraction was already
> used (first Cohere, am I remembering right?) for fitting profiles using
> physical models for the instrumental broadening.
> The Rietveld community never defined a generally accepted term for this
> kind of refinement, so people outside it what can they use?
> I am amused how Armel can spot such articles and especially notice the
> trick they did. I would not call the worse Rietveld refinement but for sure
> a bad misconduct case. Were they removing some peaks they could not explain
> or put down an amorphous halo at low angle? I am sad they used Maud in the
> first place and then manipulate the image. I notice that they report the
> intensity as (linear) counts, but it is not, they replaced also the labels
> as from the noise, residual and peaks intensity I am sure it was in square
> root of the intensity. Background was removed too. But I think there was no
> review at all, as the figure caption contains errors even for the chemical
> formula (Fe -> F).
> Best regards,
> <http://www.unitn.it/>
> [image: logo_unitrento_firma.png]
> *Luca Lutterotti*
> Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
> Università di Trento
> via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento (Italy)
> tel. +39 0461 2824-14 (Office), -34 (X-Ray lab)
> [image: ico_fb_32x32.png][image: ico_twitter_32x32.png][image:
> ico_insta_32x32.png][image: ico_linkedin_32x32.png][image:
> ico_youtube_32x32.png]
> Maud: http://maud.radiographema.com <http://maud.radiographema>
> On 13 Jan 2024, at 07:39, Alan W Hewat <alan.he...@neutronoptics.com>
> wrote:
> The core of Rietveld refinement is REFINING the crystallographic
> parameters to fit the pattern. That was the great innovation. Is that done
> here ? To calculate various patterns to refine phase composition you
> necessarily need models of the crystal structures. But all refinements of
> powder patterns are not Rietveld Refinement. Quantitative analysis of
> powder samples is an important technique, and to attribute that to Rietveld
> is wrong. Same goes for Pair Distribution Function analysis. Calling
> everything "Rietveld Refinement" is not helpful, and actually hides the
> fundamental contribution of this technique to crystallography.
> ________________________________
> Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics
> Grenoble, FRANCE (from phone)
> alan.he...@neutronoptics.com
> +33.476984168 VAT:FR79499450856
> http://NeutronOptics.com/hewat <http://neutronoptics.com/hewat>
> _______________________________
> On Sat, 13 Jan 2024, 07:00 Matthew Rowles, <rowle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hard disagree here.
>> You're using crystallographic parameters to calculate the (intensities
>> and positions of the) pattern.
>> To me, that's the core of Rietveld refinement.
>> You need to apply a peak shape model. Why not apply a model from which
>> you can extract crystallite parameters?
>> QPA can then be done on the output of a refinement, eg application of the
>> internal standard method using the Hill /Howard algorithm.
>> Its still a Rietveld refinement, I'm not just fitting peaks willy nilly;
>> they're constrained by a crystal model.
>> Matthew
>> On Sat, 13 Jan 2024, 01:48 Alan W Hewat, <alan.he...@neutronoptics.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Apart from the record number of atoms, phases, parameters, citations etc
>>> used to describe just 3 broad peaks, I object to this kind of refinement
>>> being called "Rietveld refinement". Luca called it "Rietveld-like" in MAUD,
>>> which was used here, but even that is wrong. The term "Rietveld refinement"
>>> should be restricted to the refinement of crystallographic parameters -
>>> cell dimensions, atom coordinates etc. and not applied to quantitative
>>> analysis of phases, particle size etc. Fitting peaks in powder patterns was
>>> done before Rietveld, who must be turning in his grave to see his name
>>> associated with this kind of thing.
>>> ________________________________
>>> Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics
>>> Grenoble, FRANCE (from phone)
>>> alan.he...@neutronoptics.com
>>> +33.476984168 VAT:FR79499450856
>>> http://NeutronOptics.com/hewat <http://neutronoptics.com/hewat>
>>> _______________________________
>>> On Fri, 12 Jan 2024, 12:57 Le Bail Armel, <le-bail.ar...@orange.fr>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> A good candidate for the "worst Rietveld refinement of the year" award :
>>>> https://pubpeer.com/publications/12069A6AD9D5D34F26031F34705D06
>>>> Even the difference pattern is totally fabricated.
>>>> Best
>>>> Armel
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Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
<alan.he...@neutronoptics.com> +33.476.98.41.68
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