
It so happens that we discussed this on IRC 2 days ago: (check around 17:05)

Even if i18n is mainly an element's responsability, i like the idea to be able to get some very specific resource at template level with sth like "[!V 'L10N:bundlename:key"

My proposal went into a similar direction, except instead of having a 'detect_client_locale' property, I was thinking of having a 'localeProvider' property. This would be an instance of a class that implements the LocaleProvider interface and have one method: List<Locale> getLocale(ElementSupport activeElement). RIFE could then include a ClientLocaleProvider class that obtains the list of locales that the browser provides as a suggestion. It also opens up the possibility of any kind of possible locale negotiation.

A LocaleProvider interface is a good idea.

What about the possibility to use a scope argument:
- request i.e. the client locales as above
- application, see L10N_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE ("en" by default) and L10N_DEFAULT_COUNTRY (null by default) - template, sth only known at the template level (the "page" scope of fmt tags in JSP), with a default value which can be set by configuration
- session, a value explicitely given by the user

- by default, the scope would be "request", but this default behavior can be change (e.g. to "session" if session locales are used) either:
  * by a function LocaleProvider.setDefaultScope
  * or by a configuration parameter
- when available, application and template locales would be ever supplied
- with session scope, request locales would be supplied if available
- order of priority: application<template<request<session



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