
Even if i18n is mainly an element's responsability, i like the idea to be able to get some very specific resource at template level with sth like "[!V 'L10N:bundlename:key"

Could be handy indeed, can you file an issue in Jira for that?


My proposal went into a similar direction, except instead of having a 'detect_client_locale' property, I was thinking of having a 'localeProvider' property. This would be an instance of a class that implements the LocaleProvider interface and have one method: List<Locale> getLocale(ElementSupport activeElement). RIFE could then include a ClientLocaleProvider class that obtains the list of locales that the browser provides as a suggestion. It also opens up the possibility of any kind of possible locale negotiation.

A LocaleProvider interface is a good idea.

What about the possibility to use a scope argument:
- request i.e. the client locales as above
- application, see L10N_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE ("en" by default) and L10N_DEFAULT_COUNTRY (null by default) - template, sth only known at the template level (the "page" scope of fmt tags in JSP), with a default value which can be set by configuration
- session, a value explicitely given by the user

- by default, the scope would be "request", but this default behavior can be change (e.g. to "session" if session locales are used) either:
  * by a function LocaleProvider.setDefaultScope
  * or by a configuration parameter
- when available, application and template locales would be ever supplied
- with session scope, request locales would be supplied if available
- order of priority: application<template<request<session

I don't that separate scoping is needed, IoC should provide all the scoping you need since you can inject properties in the reposition, site-structure and elements.

OK to be always able to get all the locales specified by any origine (template, element, site, participent, client, others?).The issue here is to define rules for the order of priority between the locale in accordance with theirs origines.

Btw, RIFE doesn't support the notion of traditional sessions ( +session+support).

Yes. I don't still master all the tricks of Rife ;-) but if I understand it, we can use either global variables or data links between elements. Is there any way to specify defaut data links between all elements, to avoid to specify them for all the elements? Or is this the role of global variables?


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