I totally agree with this approach Eddy and it's very close to what Raoul has already done. The only difference is that I think that the Locale setting should be replaced by a mechanism to retrieve a list of locales (LocaleProvider).

On 2-dec-05, at 14:11, Eddy Young wrote:

Eddy Young wrote:
Quoting Geert Bevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Even if i18n is mainly an element's responsability, i like the idea to be able to get some very specific resource at template level with sth like "[!V 'L10N:bundlename:key"
Glad to see someone else supporting my views about the convenience of
specifying the resource bundle in the templates. Of course, this should be
kept to a minimum.

After posting the reply, I realised that is not necessarily the best way to implement L10N in RIFE as it will defeat the purpose of a web framework, which is to make development hassle-free, and the goals that Geert has for the project.

Now, my opinion is that the templating system should remain true to its origins and not contain any logic, not even for L10N.

A good approach, I think, would be to let the developer declare the resource bundle basename as a property that gets IoC'ed in the participants/elements and let RIFE identify the locale by referring to the "Accept-language" header. However, to allow flexibility, there should be an addition to Element to allow the user to override the locale that has been determined by RIFE already (for example, setLocale()).

This would keep things simple. For example, localising an application would be a matter of setting the resource bundle basename in one of the XML files, either at site or element level, then using the existing [!V 'L10N:key'/] tag in the template -- no change there.

For other internationalisation tasks such as formatting dates and currencies, this should be taken care of by the existing constraints mechanism for date validation and formatting.

This makes it as simple as in the current <fmt:message key="key" / > JSP implementation which, IMHO, is the simplest implementation of localisation I've ever found.

In short, localisation should be as simple as:

1) write a .properties file following the existing naming scheme
2) specify the basename in the XML
3) use the [!V 'L10N:key'/] tag in the template


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Geert Bevin                       Uwyn bvba
"Use what you need"               Avenue de Scailmont 34
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gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com    Tel +32 64 84 80 03

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