On 12/3/05, Keith Lea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'll write since no one has responded. I don't listen to any podcasts
so I don't think I'll listen to a rife podcast.

Not listening to a podcast puts you in the minority I think. :)

On Dec 3, 2005, at 3:39 PM, Geert Bevin wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> since I like working with audio, I'd like to try to create a RIFE
> podcast with regular content.
> Any ideas for this?

A RIFE-flavored podcast might be a little narrow in the scope of content. What I mean is, I think you might have trouble coming up with things to write about. Unless you start trashing RoR and other webapp frameworks and then interview their creators in a "Hardball" / pundit show style. That would actually be really really cool. Listen to two people argue about why one web framework is better than another... Hmmm 

> Do you think it's a good idea?

Sure. Can't hurt, might help. Could be interesting.

> Which topics would you like me to talk about?

Talking in a podcast is even harder than talking in front of people in a presentation, so the topics will probably have to be shallow. You're not going to be trying to explain all of RIFE in a podcast. I know that there are terms and concepts that are hard to vocalize.

> Any suggestions for regular themes or subjects?

As I said above the "argue with the developers" format would be an excellent thing. Maybe a morning coffee notes style / here's what's going on type of thing could be interesting as well.

I guess for me the blocker is the fact that you're going to have a bit of a time with just RIFE because of two things: A) low established userbase and B) complexity of the topic

I don't listen to talk radio in my car to hear about the detailed inner workings of an engine complete with jargon and established industry terms.

JR Boyens
Rife-users mailing list

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