> Hmmm, you're mostly right, except for Wicket where there really is no  
> overhead it seems. They just instantiate a new component. No  
> configuration is needed for that, so there are less steps and less  
> files. My problem with that is that it might seem nice in small  
> example applications. I find it already confusing when looking at  
> some of their larger examples since you really have to read all the  
> code to know how everything relates.

Totally agree with you. This is what I was referring to when I said users
can scare away too easily because they only think of a "Hello world" app,
or, even if it's a more complex app, it is one that they only write
*themselves*, not in a team of developers.

For a complex app written by more than one developer, it's nice to have
a "roadmap" to the application. As much as I wouldn't use Struts for a
new app today, I've had to work with already in-place apps written by
others, and it was nice to have the struts-config to look at for just
such a roadmap.


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