> I don't mean to be picky or anything, but I just try to get as much  
> information as possible to convince people to choose RIFE. What  
> exactly does this modularity and external wiring really provide you?  
> One of the criticisms that I've heard from people that never used  
> RIFE, is that while ideologically this approach sound good, in  
> practice you rarely need it and it's more a burden than a benefit. Of  
> course I don't agree, but I would like to hear other user's views on  
> the matter.


I think part of the problem is that users tend to look at sample code
and find that a "Hello, world" example is too complicated. Or, when looking
at the concepts, it seems like too much to absorb at once.

However, what really matters is how the framework will perform (in terms
of helping you to implement your application, not in terms of benchmarks)
once you get into a real-world application and things get more complex.

Personally, I like to have relatively small units of decoupled code
throughout. Who doesn't? And I find that RIFE helps you to do that with
its Elements.

Here's a real example: I was implementing an app where a user had to sign
up by filling out a form (with MANY fields). Later, to update his info, that
same form minus one field plus two other fields were used. Point is, I wanted
to reuse the 90% that was common to both scenarios. That was easy to do by
having a parent bean and two sub-beans, and having an Element that knows how
to handle them. It was also easy to use two instances of that Element and
wire their "success" exits to different parts.

But, even if those types of scenarios don't occur too often, I still like
the idea of an Element having an "exit", and have it not needing to know
what happens with that exit. When you have to change the app's navigation,
you just have to change the wiring.

Obviously you already know all of this, not sure what else I can tell you.
How exactly do people tell you it's a burden - either way you have to define
what happens between each page of your webapp, no? What other way is there to
do it besides connecting your elements? Hardcoding a reference to a JSP? :-P

By the way thanks for your response about the history of your experiences
with frameworks, very interesting!


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