Hi David,

I think that this might become too complicated if this is just for a single use. However, it is possible. RIFE doesn't expect templates to be stored in file per se, it's just the default resourcefinder that functions that way. You can however implement your own resource finder and let RIFE use that instead. This might be of some help:


The implementation of the database resource finder can be found here:

https://svn.rifers.org/rife/trunk/src/framework/com/uwyn/rife/ resources/DatabaseResources.java

Another version of a resource finder can be found here:

https://svn.rifers.org/rife/trunk/src/framework/com/uwyn/rife/ resources/ResourceFinderDirectories.java

This is probably the one that would be the easiest for you to start working from.

Hope this helps you somewhat.

Best regards,


I'm struggling to apply the example in the Cookbook on XSLT transforms to the situation I have. Basically I have a page, part of whose output is XHTML generated from XML fetched from an external web service and styled using XSLT. I think this can all be done within RIFE - could someone point me to a more complex worked example? At present I am considering using dom4j/Xalan to achieve this but I think I'm missing some native RIFE capabilities here. What I don't quite follow is that my XML isn't in a template object such that the ContentTransformer can be applied to it.

Geert Bevin
Uwyn "Use what you need" - http://uwyn.com
RIFE Java application framework - http://rifers.org
Music and words - http://gbevin.com

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