
as one of my probes also had problems with the USB drive it would be nice to have the procedure on how to recover from this failure described in the FAQ.

Because I just tried my luck and booted without the drive and inserted it when the probe was booted. And this worked but it could have avoided a ticket to the RIPE team if this would have been described in the FAQ.

On 11/01/16 10:44, Steve Hill wrote:
On 10/01/16 11:42, Robert Kisteleki wrote:

A little bit of background information that could help:

Thanks for the detailed explanation. I had seen the "USB drive readonly" notification, but didn't know whether it was a warning or if the drive was supposed to be readonly anyway. Once I'd been told that this was a problem I popped the drive out of the probe and put it in another machine and found that yes it was indeed readonly. Some Googling confirmed that this is a permanent state for those USB disks after they detect corruption.

Bit of a pain that these sticks don't have a "just wipe the thing and start over" option in that case.

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