On 2018-11-12 10:11, Christoffer Hansen wrote:
> Hi Alun,
> (bcc'ed: atlas@)
> First. Thanks for sharing. Many months I have been looking forward to
> this first step in the direction of running the ATLAS network with only
> hardware units.
> Second. I know the RIPE NCC Atlas Team|Group is also looking into ways
> of providing the Atlas Probe as a VM option of sorts. I do not know how
> far this process is at the moment. But hoping you could share an overall
> status on this, too?
> E.g. current considerations, projects goals reached + not reached etc.
> Kind regards,
> Christoffer


We are indeed looking at what it takes to do RIPE Atlas "software
probes". From the hosts' perspective this is likely going to be a
software package, or docker image, or such, that one can install on an
existing device.

>From our perspective this is a different approach from what we have so
far (hardware-only probes), so deciding on if and how to expand to this
area is not a trivial question. VM anchors are simpler in this regard.

As of now we're checking what software probes would change in terms of
how we manage our infratructure and reviewing/verifying the related
processes. I expect that we'll do some kind of pilot early next year,
then decide if this is indeed a desired direction for RIPE Atlas.

I hope that answers your question. Let me know if you need me to
elaboration more.

Robert Kisteleki
for the RIPE Atlas team

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