
I checked my code that calls Magellan. It does not add the “system-ipv4-works“ 
tag to the request for probes in measurements.

Does Magellan add that tag automatically?


Ernst J. Oud

> On 20 Sep 2023, at 12:22, Robert Kisteleki <> wrote:
> Hi,
>> On 2023-09-20 11:47, Ernst J. Oud wrote:
>> Robert et al,
>> In contrast to your statement below, streaming of results from new or 
>> existing measurements using Magellan currently does *not* work… no results 
>> are obtained, see below.
>> —-
>> Looking good! Measurement 60182213 was created and details about it can 
>> be found here:
>> Connecting to stream...
>> Disconnected from stream
> The answer is the same here as for Stephane - no probes were selected for the 
> measurement, hence no answers are coming back on the streaming interface 
> either.
> Regards,
> Robert

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