Dear AfriNIC's Community,

Le dim. 1 août 2021 à 10:58 AM, Paul Wollner <>
a écrit :

> Hello community

Hi Paul,
Thanks for your email, brother.

...please, next time, replace community by its
plural...unless you test your *globalisation*?

> I think I  misused the word “take over” to spike some unfortunate
> sentiments.

...i see!
So, you acknowledge to be wrong in your

...please, come down, brother!

> Let me try this again:
> In the interest of internet continuity, another RIR

...i would have expected that the ressource
member which caused this concern would
have been your first recommended choice :-/

should help AFRINIC (by staff or infrastructure), to perform it’s core
> registration service function for the time being,
> | Number Richers Alliance? :-/

> until all AFRINIC litigation has been sorted to avoid disruption to our
> African end users and businesses.
...which *African* end users? imho, your real
fear seem to be the lost of connectivity of the
90%, out-of-region, customer base of the LIR
which sued its parent-RIR and started an
*INRs War* against the RFC7020, against the
entire Internet Number Registry System, through
the project.


> Regards
> Paul
> ---- On Thu, 29 Jul 2021 23:38:32 +0200 *Paul Wollner
> < <>>* wrote
> ----
> Apologies for the duplicate post, but the initial posting was too large.
> The concerns expressed by TISPA, as well as other concerned parties and
> especially by AFRINIC's  own admission in the news outlet,
> which is available at, regarding the AFRINIC’s
> inability to keep providing its core registry functions due to its
> inability to meet its financial requirements.
> I suggest that in order not hold end users, ISPs and any other business's
> hostage, for the interest of continue service of AFRINIC’s core registry
> service, we should urgently call for NRO fulfil their responsibility as
> well as commitment to the global internet to take over AFRINIC’s
> registration service for the time being, until litigation is settled some
> time later. (
> accountability/joint-rir-stability-fund/)
> That way, no end user or business will ever impacted however results come
> out of litigation.
> Regards
> Paul Wollner


Best Regards !
baya.sylvain[AT cmNOG DOT cm]|<>
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tous! ‪#‎Amen‬!»
‪#‎MaPrière‬ est que tu naisses de nouveau. #Chrétiennement‬
«Comme une biche soupire après des courants d’eau, ainsi mon âme soupire
après TOI, ô DIEU!»(#Psaumes42:2)

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