In message <>, 
Randy Bush <>? wrote:

>i think they hired trump and giuliani to lie and escalate.  their
>problem is that they are lying and trying to escalate to an audience of
>internet operators who have decades of experience with a pretty stable

It has taken quite some considerable period of time, but I do believe
that we have finally located something that Rady Bush and I actually
agree on.

>(until they illegally ripped off a lot of address space and got

Owing to my personal propensity to avoid inflammatory assertions which
might incur the potential for some personally directed legal actions on
the basis of defamation, I shall not associate myself with this additional
parenthetical remark on the part of Randy Bush.  I will say only that
a significant number of valuable IPv4 addresses appear to have been
effectively "liberated" from the AFRINIC region for use elsewhere, and
primarily in the Far East, and even more specifically by a number of
relatively youthful legal entities in Hong Kong.


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