BJW wrote: 
> not in Logitech server you don't.  it always gives you ONLY the album
> artist, (for lists), at least from home menus.

IF... your track artists are only set to the album artist, which you
indicated you do.

While I do tend to think in terms of Album Artist (like you stated), I
hate to not acknowledge guest artists and such, so I do not go as far as
you have in setting the Artist = Album Artist.  Of course, I could
include the guest artist in the title (as others suggest), but it is
just a matter of preference.

I like being able to search or browse for a track artist when the need
arises, and because I do utilize all artists as they are involved on a
track, my list is Artists from the main Squeezebox menus are extensive
and overwhelming.  Thus my reliance on Custom Browse menus to provide an
Album Artist only menu (as well as a track artist only menu).  Then
again, searches seem more convenient these days than browsing.  It
allows me to adjust for permutations of a band or artist names or the
cases where I've missed a guest artist (but the name is in the track

Can't complain too much about the flexibility the system has.  It may
not be perfect, but it can be made to work reasonably well.

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