Thanks everyone for your contributions

This arose out of a request made by someone else on another forum who
wanted to be able to have two albums appearing one the original album
and the other being the reissue with the "extras". He wanted to be able
to do so having simply ripped the reissue. He wondered whether you could
have two separate albums appearing. 
In trying to solve the problem I noticed the note in the "my music"
settings and then was driven to try it out. I was really annoyed when it
didn't work and wanted to know whether this was just my error. This is
why I didn't really want to get into the actual use case.

That said if there is an elegant solution, I would be delighted to pass
it on.

One other suggested option was to use a playlist, but the OOP didn't
want this unless the playlist would appear as an album. Is it possible
to make a playlist appear as an album.

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