I wonder how do I trace caed? Trace is not a command in Ubuntu.

Pulseaudio is completely disabled on my system. I have to use JACK because
I route audio from Skype, Google Voice, and my mic onto the radio stream
(oh and I also use it to route Rivendell to my audio stream).
RDADMIN>SystemSettings used to say 48000 but I changed it recently to 44100
but was unable to test if it worked yet because of the invalid URL problem.

I did not compile Rivendell... I used tryphon packages.

I was running everything at 48000... I am trying to run now under 44100 but
I have not been able to test it with the rdimport invalid URL problem.

Thanks for asking questions guys... and providing a few suggestions. The
issue has not been resolved just yet... and I won't get anywhere until my
rdimport problem from a different rivendell-dev session is resolved.

On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 3:23 AM, Robert Jeffares

> Ubuntu Studio uses Pulse, and that can get in the way of RD. How did you
> get around this ? The answer may be a clue.
> Rivendell 2.x is fussy about the sample rate. You may be importing at
> 44100 and playing back at 48,000
> RDADMIN>SystemSettings> will tell you what you have now.
> When you compiled this did you get any messages about missing software?
> You may have a problem with the version of whatever is being used to
> convert cd audio to wav
> Do you really need Jack?
> What samplerate are you running at?
> Robert
> On 17/12/2011 16:44, Patrick Schmalstig / WRRJ Radio wrote:
> > I have had no luck with this issue. Please someone reply to me saying at
> > least that you're checking in on this... I'm trying to have my entire
> > radio station up and running again by January 1 2012. Thanks!
> >
> > On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 5:35 PM, Patrick Schmalstig / WRRJ Radio
> > <xana...@gmail.com <mailto:xana...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> >
> >     Hello.
> >
> >     I recently just got Rivendell 2.1.0 working on my Ubuntu Studio
> >     11.10 system... sort of. The problem is whenever I use the import
> >     feature on rdlibrary, everything I import comes out in a lower pitch
> >     than the original sound file (but still shows up the correct length
> >     and apparently plays at same speed). This happens for all imported
> >     audio file types including wav and mp3.
> >
> >     However when I use the record feature in rdlibrary the recordings of
> >     myself from the mic come out in the correct pitch.
> >
> >     Any suggestions on how to remedy this?
> >
> >     I did double-check that Rivendell is running at same samplerate as
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Robert Jeffares
> Big Valley Radio
> Thames New Zealand
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