Am 18.08.2012 16:46, schrieb Wayne Merricks:
> The guide still applies, just skip the steps for pulse audio and any gnome 
> stuff you don't want.
> Ignore part 3 of the guide and the JACK Scripts of part 5.
> When you move on to getting JACK, Riv and Pulse working you only need the two 
> JACK scripts simply for starting and stopping the Riv daemons.
> #!/bin/bash
> #FILE:
> #Start Rivendell Daemons
> /usr/local/bin/caed
> /usr/local/bin/ripcd
> /usr/local/bin/rdcatchd
> sleep 5 #not strictly necessary
> and this one:
> #!/bin/bash
> #FILE:
> #Stop Rivendell Daemons
> killall rdcatchd ripcd caed
> sleep 2

Have nearly finished my script to do that all.

But how to automaticaly create the /var/run/rivendell at every boot.
Can't put it in the jack script without having root right at this moment...
The only way i know is to put it in /etc/rc.local...



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