I spent some time a year ago trying to make Rivendell play on OS X but aside 
from some driver issues it seemed like QT mis-matches were the major 
malfunction. Fred G says a QT up-rev is on the list of things to do.

Bill Putney - KPTZ Port Townsend, WA

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 30, 2012, at 10:33 AM, WBHM Web Operations <la...@wbhm.org> wrote:

> I'm trying to compile a checkout from:
> cvs -d:pserver:c...@cvs.rivendellaudio.org:/home/cvs/cvsroot checkout 
> rivendell
> On OSX lion, loosely following these instrctions:
> http://rivendell.tryphon.org/wiki/Install_Rivendell_on_OSX
> I say loosely, because these are obviously outdated.  
> First thing I noticed was that configure told me "Qt4 not found, unable to 
> continue",  so using MacPorts, I removed qt3 and installed qt4-mac-devel.
> Still no love.  I'm looking for the qt4 libs and headers to no avail.  
> Does anyone have some Rivendell OSX knowledge to share.
> Thanks,
> Larry
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