
It looks really interesting, and we'll have a look into that ! We
currently use our own-flavored Gstreamer application, with CELT encoded
RTP packets, hooked into JACK on both ends, for our live presentations
outside of the studio, and it works quite well. But as it is made so
far, it requires some skills from the operator to set everything up.

That kind of software, very similar to what we use (Opus is the
maturation of CELT), could help us integrate a complete broadcast
system, easy to plug, easy to start. A "one-button-start" for any
presenter in the outside world.

We will definitely look into that. Thanks !


Le 22/10/2012 23:27, James Harrison a écrit :
> I know a few Rivendellers have used the earlier (beta) versions of
> OpenOB in the past so here's a quick notice to all that OpenOB 2.3 is
> out, with stable support for the Opus codec recently standarized by the
> IETF, which supports bitrates as low as 16kbps or up to 384kbps with a
> variety of audio bandwidths.
> OpenOB is the open outside broadcast tool, an audio over IP link tool
> which makes moving audio over a network in realtime with very low
> latencies (<10ms in PCM mode, <50ms in Opus mode) fairly trivial.
> Other improvements include proper Python packaging for easy
> installation, reliability improvements, visual feedback changes and an
> improved command line interface.
> Support for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer has now been tested,
> confirmed and verified. It works out of the box with no issues using USB
> sound cards. This means you can put a link together (both ends) for
> under £200.
> You can nab yourself a copy here:
> http://jamesharrison.github.com/openob/ - all you need is two computers
> running Linux.
> </list-hijack - sorry!>
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