On Friday 29 March 2013 02:40:06 pm al davis wrote:

> But you can sue the students who wrote the code.

 No, both the BSD and MIT licenses specifically disclaim in that regard.

> The issue is not "if you break it" but rather about patent and 
> copyright issues.


> The license is (or at least should be) a statement of the intent 
> of the authors.  To disagree with the way a particular software 
> is licensed is to disagree with the intent of the authors who 
> chose that license.

 More to disagree with the authors who wrote that license !
 Most authors of GPL licensed stuff really don't understand
 exactly what the GPL does, and doesn't do.
 Oracle does, as do MIT and the University of California, as
 well as some others.

> GPL is all about sharing among peers, and protection of the 
> rights of everyone (including the authors) to use and share.

 So they ( sorta ) say, but FSF claims copyright on anything licensed GPL.
 I have a bit of a problem with that meself, regardless of their
 implied motivation.
 ( I've more problems with RMS, but this is not the place )
 It's not about protecting everyone, but much more about
 subverting the rights of the enemy classes, and I have issues
 with that, and the whole manifesto approach.
 I prefer to share my stuff with whomever I choose, without
 the restrictions of GPL.

> It's not at all about more or less "free".

 It is absolutely all about free, or not free.
 GPL takes away your rights, by claiming copyright themselves,
 then grants you back a limited subset of the rights you surrender.
 That's not "free" IMHO.
 The only part that is free, is your choice to surrender your own
 rights in the first place.

> Any license applies only to those who are not owners.  The 
> owners can do whatever they want regardless of how they license 
> it to others.
> Note that "owners" and "authors" are often not the same.

 True, and true.

 In order to avoid off-topic, this will be my last post on this issue.



The vast majority of who's code has been released Public Domain
 for reasons that are quite intentional.

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