On Friday 29 March 2013, Cowboy wrote:
> On Friday 29 March 2013 02:40:06 pm al davis wrote:
> > But you can sue the students who wrote the code.
>  No, both the BSD and MIT licenses specifically disclaim in
> that regard.

No.  The license says nothing about anyone else.

>  Most authors of GPL licensed stuff really don't understand
>  exactly what the GPL does, and doesn't do.

Many do understand.  Please give them credit.

>  Oracle does, as do MIT and the University of California, as
>  well as some others.

With regard to that, I said:

>>>The BSD license is all about technology transfer, encouraging 
>>>the creation of proprietary derivative works.

That's exactly what the University wants.

> > GPL is all about sharing among peers, and protection of the
> > rights of everyone (including the authors) to use and
> > share.
>  So they ( sorta ) say, but FSF claims copyright on anything
> licensed GPL.

Not so.

> I have a bit of a problem with that meself,
> regardless of their implied motivation.

I would too, if it were so, but it isn't.

>  ( I've more problems with RMS, but this is not the place )
>  It's not about protecting everyone, but much more about
>  subverting the rights of the enemy classes, and I have
> issues with that, and the whole manifesto approach.

Enemy classes == those who want to steal my code and make it 

>  I prefer to share my stuff with whomever I choose, without
>  the restrictions of GPL.

You have that right.  Please give the same courtesy to those who 
make a different choice than you.
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