Am 2013-04-24 14:26, schrieb Lee Baker:
> Sorry one other question, how does the audio routing work?
> Can this work with jack? Or does it just use the default sound card
> settings?

blink can work with alas-jack.
I created a special virtual sound card in asound.conf and gave it a 
decent name.
So I can route the input and output of blink to any soundcard or 
jack-mixer port or whatever.

Please keep in mind that OnAirPhone doesn't handle audio at all.
It's only the message-routing and multi-user glue code to take/hold and 
place calls.
For example: If you click on "ANSWER" the ringing line gets transferred 
to the selected SIP-Phone or to the number which is the blink client.

In my test setup I use some Cisco 7960 Phones for the screener desks 
and the blink client for the 'on-air' stuff.
I also configured audacity to record the talents mic and the caller in 
a special talkback mode. So you can record calls of air with blink on 
seperate channels. It's basically a big switching and re-routing in 
Then I have a audacity macro which exports the file into a directory.
The on air talent just has to press the audacity macro hotkey and it 
will export.
The export dir is observed via python inotify. When a file arrives it 
is beeing renamed to something recognizable like 
"PhoneCall_2013-04-24_14-35.wav" and then imported into rivendell. With 
nearly no latency.
You have the file available in RD in just 1-2 seconds after you start 
the export macro.

I know there might be questions on the how to to such a script... :) I 
will also post that on the wiki :)

Best regards
Rivendell-dev mailing list

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