Hi all, I used to play with Rivendell around 2008, I made a log once, I
made RPMs and documented installation on Fedora on the wiki. At the time
I posted on the list from jbr...@redhat.com

Since then I haven't played with it much but I've recently become a
volunteer at an up-and-coming LPFM station called Little Raleigh Radio
[1] in the United States, North Carolina. Before I got involved another
volunteer (Mark Turner) had already setup and learned Rivendell. He is
also on the list.

We have been building up a studio recently and we hope to setup stream
licensing so we can put our stream online soon as well.

Anyway, just a heads up if you see questions from me or Mark Turner you
know who we are ;-)

One other thing I wanted to ask about/mention was that the link from
rivendellaudio.org to the Mail Lists goes here:

which is currently not configured to advertise the lists.. is that
intentional? When I resubscribed I remembered what the list name was and
appended it to the URL and found it but I wonder how others would know
to do that or how else they would find it?

1) http://www.littleraleighradio.org/

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