
I like the idea of having to toggle the "setup" mode to on for dragging
buttons to the sound panel.  That would restore the way it used to work
(as far as being able to ensure that the sound panel is only setup when
you want it to be), while still allowing for the D&D to the panel.

Just to add my $0.02 to the drag and drop discussion, personally I love
the new drag and drop feature, although I can see a good argument for
being able to turn it off or on in rdadmin.  Having come from using OS/2
as a primary desktop OS for the last 20 years where drag and drop is
pretty consistent across the OS and native applications, I have always
felt that many applications and the GUI in Linux (and Windows for that
matter - where drag and drop is much less consistently implemented) feel
like a step backwards.  Admittedly the GUI is still one of the primary
reasons I keep OS/2 (now eComStation) running on my home desktop

One other question about the new version.  I love how it is possible to
turn on / off (or set to 'previous' mode) the "show first 100 matches"
option in rdlibrary through the "limit searches" setting in rdadmin. 
I've noticed that it appears this setting only extends to rdlibrary.  Is
there an equivalent setting in rdadmin for the other Select Cart boxes
(the box that pops up when you hit "ADD" in rdlibrary, rdlogedit,
rdcartslots, etc)?  If there is such a setting I've missed it.  And if
there isn't, any possibility of adding the same toggle switch to the
Cart Select box?

As always, thanks for all your hard work!

Lorne Tyndale

> On Jan 18, 2014, at 10:55 15, Luigino Bracci <lbra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > A good sollution could be to disable drag-and-drop between buttons in the 
> > button panel, until the user press the "Configure" button. Dragging a cart 
> > from the button panel and drop it in the Main Log is a great feature, this 
> > should not be touched ;)
> I like this idea.  How about we disable dropping onto SoundPanel buttons 
> unless the panel is in ‘Setup’ mode?  Users could still drag from any button 
> regardless (and so copy buttons into logs, other panels, etc).  Essentially, 
> it would mean that the SoundPanel in question would be ‘read-only’ unless in 
> Setup mode (which was the previous behavior before D&D came along).
> Cheers!
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