On Jan 21, 2014, at 09:39 42, Lorne Tyndale <ltynd...@tyndaleweb.com> wrote:

> One other question about the new version.  I love how it is possible to
> turn on / off (or set to 'previous' mode) the "show first 100 matches"
> option in rdlibrary through the "limit searches" setting in rdadmin. 
> I've noticed that it appears this setting only extends to rdlibrary.  Is
> there an equivalent setting in rdadmin for the other Select Cart boxes
> (the box that pops up when you hit "ADD" in rdlibrary, rdlogedit,
> rdcartslots, etc)?

There isn’t, but it probably isn’t a bad idea.  How finely does this need to be 
configurable —i.e.

1) A single setting setting controls the default throughout the modules

2) One for RDLibrary and one for “everywhere else”

3) One for each module (RDLibrary, RDLogEdit, RDAirPlay, etc).

Methinks that a single global setting for a given workstation would be 
adequate, but I’ve been wrong before…


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |               Chief Developer               |
|                           |               Paravel Systems               |
|  I looked out my window, and saw Kyle Petty's car upside down, then I   |
|  thought "one of us is in real trouble".                                |
|                               -- Davey Allison, on a 150 mph crash      |

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